Prepare Transcripts files

I’m using Mandarin Chinese here as an example. My goal here is to align each Chinese character (each syllable) with its corresponding sound interval. Thus I need to prepare transcript files in which there is a space between any two characters. Besides, there are many audio files in a corpus to be aligned. We would want to name all the transcript files accordingly (matching with the .wav filename) so that we can write a loop script to run an aligner for all of the .wav files at once. Since .txt files work for both aligners, I’ll demonstrate how to prepare a .txt file (relatively efficiently) for each .wav file when you have assembled transcripts such as pre-designed speech stimuli in speech production experiments. One way to do this is:

2.1. Acquire a List of .wav Files

Put all the .wav files in a directory and open Terminal and navigate to that directory. In Terminal:

$ ls *.wav >> listname.txt 

We obtain the listname.txt with each .wav filename being a row in one column.


2.2. Insert Spaces in Transcripts

Since we want the audios to be aligned at the syllable level, we need to insert a space between every two characters in the transcripts. For my project, I have pre-designed speech stimuli in a stimuli.txt file. Here is an example:


Each row is a transcript for a audio file and they are put in the same order as the audio files.We can make use of bash shell commands to insert a space between every two characters:

$ sed -e 's/./& /g' stimuli.txt

2.3. Add Corresponding Transcripts

Then I insert the column of the filenames into the file so that the corresponding transcript of an audio is on the same row following the .wav filename with a space.

$ paste -d' ' listname.txt stimuli.txt > list.txt

We should listen to the audios at this stage and check if the transcripts are correct. You can slightly modify them manually when speakers made any variation. So now the list.txt is as follows:

1_1_101.wav 他 们 堆 的 雪 人 很 稳 当
1_2_101.wav 他 们 堆 的 城 堡 很 稳 当
1_3_101.wav 他 们 堆 的 台 阶 很 稳 当

An advantage of acquiring a list in this way is that in speech production experiments, different speakers produce a set of audios based on the same speech materials. So we only need to change the first column of the filenames when we have a different speaker.

2.4. Generate Individual .txt Files

We want all the characters in each line to be an independent .txt file whose filename is the first field but with .txt extension. File-naming is very important because you need to think about the next step.

2.4.1 Filenaming for the Penn Forced Aligner

To use P2FA for a group of files in a directory, I used a shell script calling the .py in a loop. So it would be easy to use the .wav filename (e.g. 1_1_101.wav) as a common stem and a variable $i so that the corresponding .txt filename is $i.txt (e.g. 1_1_101.wav.txt).

$ cat list.txt | while read line || [ -n "$line" ]; do echo $line | awk '{$1=""}1'| awk '{$1=$1}1' > $(cut -d " " -f1 <<< $line).txt; done < list.txt

The first awk here removes the first field and the second awk removes the leading space (by redefine the beginning as the first string).

2.4.2 Filenaming for the Montreal Forced Aligner

To use the Montreal aligner we want the paired .txt and .wav to have exactly the same filename (e.g. 1_1_101.txt and 1_1_101.wav). An easier way is probably change the extensions in the first column in list.txt first to make them the filenames of our output .txt files before splitting it into individual files.

$ sed 's/\.wav/\.txt/' list.txt 

(you can also use Find and Replace in your text editor. Do whichever is easier!)

$ cat list.txt | while read line || [ -n "$line" ]; do echo $line | awk '{$1=""}1'| awk '{$1=$1}1' > $(cut -d " " -f1 <<< $line); done < list.txt

By doing so, our corresponding.txt files are ready.

There are many ways to achieve this depending on how you obtain your transcript texts. How to obtain orthography transcripts efficiently for spontaneous speech? I think of open-source speech-to-text APIs (e.g. Google’s Speech-to-Text or Baidu’s DeepSpeech). But there are often some restrictions. I may build a pipeline from speech-to-text to forced alignment in the near future and post it here.
